Greatness Needs Guidance
It’s imperative for every student to see the greatness that lies within. A student can come in to our college and career center and say,...
Is College Worth It?
You begin school from the age of five and continue to at least the age of 17. During those years, you are exposed to careers...
Why every student should have an Internship. Author: Marcia Page
You’ve landed a job in your dream profession and you are getting experience to build your resume. Your manager and your colleagues want to share...
Rising Seniors: 6 Tips for Maximizing Your Summer Author: Marcia Page
Enjoy your time off and make sure you prepare for your senior year of high school over the summer. If you have the idea you...
Diversity…Kids Need it Too! Author: Marcia Page
Have you ever looked around the room at a group of your friends and noticed that you all have a lot in common? I am...
Ready for College? So Much To Do, So Little Time!
Welcome back, it’s the beginning of a great new school year and I hope you got your rest, because we have work to do! By...
Big Dollars Count, Small Dollars Matter!
Ever wonder why talented students with great financial aid packages don’t finish college? Income inequality is likely a factor. Frequently costs, not just the cost...
60 by 30 Tex: The State’s New Plan for Higher Education is Big and Bold
Today, in the state of Texas, the highest levels of education in any age group are for those ages 55 to 64. If Texas were...
You’ve Heard of Senioritis, What About Summer Melt? Author: Marcia Page
Seven Tips to Smooth the Transition from High School to College The first three years of high school went by quickly and the senior year...
Internships: A Win-Win for Everyone Author: Marcia Page
Today, the demand for educated and skilled labor has never been greater but unfortunately, given the youth employment (or unemployment) crisis we have around the...
Going to College: Be a Face Not an ID # Author: Marcia Page
You’ve heard the old saying, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. Well I really don’t like that saying, but in this case...
Bridging the Gap in STEM Studies: Females vs. Males. Author: Marcia Page
There is a science to helping students become successful in the classroom. Not to be cliché, but some research suggests there is evidence that there...